Mary Magrinat – At Large Board Member

Mary Magrinat has lived in Greensboro for over 50 years, having moved here in the early 1970’s to work as Executive Director for Eastern Music Festival. Later she developed her business, The Benefits Group, handling employee benefits for companies until 2011 when she sold her company and rewired (yes rewired and not retired). She then developed the Healing Gardens at Wesley Long Hospital 2013-17 where she continues as Chair. From 2016-19 Mary also led a renovation of Greensboro’s Interactive Resource Center campus and building.

Mary has been involved with Cone Health Cancer Center Advisory Board, Piedmont Land Conservancy, Public Art Endowment, GreenHill Center for NC Art, Authoracare, United Way and others. She has served in board leadership positions for several of these organizations. Mary was a charter member of Women’s Professional Forum where she has been actively involved since 1977.

Mary’s passions are family, friends, nature, art, photography and travel. Mary and her husband, Gus (a retired oncologist), love Greensboro’s neighborhood parks, especially their next-door Luper Park.

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